Scouting going strong
This week’s Guest Speaker at Rotary Alexandra was Sarah Weeks. She  spoke about Scouts in Alexandra. Groups include Joeys (early primary) through Cubs and Scouts to Venturers.
It provides a great grounding for young people. Sarah thinks it has been the best thing for her 3 boys, providing opportunities to learn real world practical skills and resilience.
Memories are created- being stuck in the mud while retrieving golf balls (before our meeting), learning skills like knot tying, pitching tents, making shelters, carving, fishing, archery, performance, packing one’s own bag.
Scubs Eric and Kate, enjoy Cubs but can’t wait for Scouts. They attended the  Jamboree  at  Elmore, where the water slide as ‘so cool.’ At Cuboree, a 7 day camp, the Mud Run was ‘really fun’. As Scubs, they can go to either Cubs or Scouts.
Scout Josh started in Scouts mid 2021. Realised at camp that it is OK to be homesick sometimes, and enjoyed fun activities with the group. Riley attended VICJam 28/12 to 7/1 last. Had heat-induced blood noses, but enjoyed axe throwing and water slides, despite occasionally feeling homesick; he learned to push through.
Arien also enjoyed VICJam, especially the Funfields trip, archery, zip lines and 3D printing.
For Alex, the strongest memory of the Funfields trip was the heat in the bus ; air conditioner failed and the group had to wait in the heat for replacement bus.
The new hall is a great improvement on the old one, with much more space, and improved canoe storage. ASC auto practice students built a new trailer for the canoes, which are not used on the Goulburn as leaders don’t have the necessary qualifications for that river.
Skills learned at jamboree are practiced at home, with more participation in family meal preparation.
Some things haven’t changed- Cubs still earn badges and knot tying.